Hi! I’m Tierney, and I like to play in the forest.
Let me expand on that.
I’m a 30-something year-old female who grew up in a small-ish town just north of Toronto, ON Canada. I live in Toronto, now, but all I ever really want to do is escape from the city with my canoe/life partner, Andrew, and our trusty yellow canoe, The Happy Adventure. When the lakes freeze over, we leave Happy behind and forge ahead on snowshoes with our homemade winter freight toboggans.
I’m a journalism student, canoeing enthusiast, former Friends of Temagami board member and a total nature nerd. I spend every opportunity outside, exploring Ontario’s wild places. I am a horribly pretentious beer snob and eat an obscene amount of bacon.
I just love being outdoors. This is my bloggy-wog.
There will be some trip reports highlighting our camping successes and complete disasters.
There will be stories, articles, and interviews with other members of the outdoor community in Ontario.
There will be recipes for near-gourmet camping meals and fabulous backwoods cocktails.
There will be honest and frank gear reviews with much cursing of zippers.
Cheers! And happy adventuring!
tea, tierney, tearknee, etc
© Tierney Angus and deepoceanmediasetup.ca/thehappyadventure, 2012-2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tierney Angus and deepoceanmediasetup.ca/thehappyadventure with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Tierney great site. I just watched your Atuk Tent episode on My Self Reliance YouTube Channel. I too do much the same and have a channel, our Scout troop here in Thunder bay does Quetico, White Otter and mnay other canoe trips each year, this year is a 10 day to Wabakimi, my youtube channel is ve3fal1_fred.
I have been looking at the Atuk tents, you mentioned the tie off on the side were at 24″, did you request that the tie offs be raised when you ordered from Atuk?
Hey, thanks!
We ordered directly from Atuk tents. We did pay a little extra for our custom 30″ side walls, but it was only about $50 or something to make the customization. Since we bought ours they’ve made some adjustments to the tent that are really great improvements.. they now come with a vent near the peak and a double zipper slider. Guy, the owner, is very helpful.
Bodaciously excellent! Watched your video on My Self Reliance YouTube channel. No mention of your stove. Did you make it or what company do you prefer?
It’s a
Kni-Co Packer stove. They make several different sizes.
Hello Tierney, My name is Stephanie, I’m a Content Producer working on a documentary series about off grid lifestyles in Eastern Canada. I think you might know a few when I read your great articles! Would you be interested to connect for a few questions? Thank you!
Hi Stephanie,
Sent you an email!
Hello Tierney
I am the editor of the International Journal of Wilderness. I have a submission from an author who would like to use some of your photos from Temagami for an article. Would you please email me so we might chat. Cheers, Bob
Hello Bob,
I’ve emailed you back from my personal account. Thanks for getting in touch!