Save Solace Documentary Trailer

I’ll keep sharing this until we #savesolace.

In October, a few of us from Friends of Temagami went out to go see how the Solace Wildlands are being impacted by construction of the Turner Road. For two days we camped at Twinkle Lake to the sounds of heavy machinery. We paddled down the Ames Creek to Seagram Lake and spent another two days exploring and filming the Wildlands. Four days later, logging companies had built two bridges through sensitive cold water fisheries habitat by driving heavy machinery through the creeks.

I’ve been visiting the Solace Wildlands for years now, but in the past two – with the ongoing construction of the Turner Road – I feel such a sense of loss every time I travel here. This isn’t out of the ordinary in Temagami. Climb the hills next to your favourite rivers in the region and you’ll see the clear cuts. You’ll see the tailings ponds near the old Sherman mine site. You’ll see the roads winding through the bush targeting the biggest and most valuable white pine.

I don’t know how to save the Solace Wildlands at this point, but I’m fully prepared to chain myself to a bulldozer and deal with the consequences. We only have one Temagami, one Canada, one planet.30 years after the Red Squirrel Road blockades, we’re still fighting to save Temagami’s old growth forest. Nothing changes unless we stand up.


Read the latest Turner Road update here.

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